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2011-5-28 21:38 crazyforyou
「吉他、和平與愛」民謠音樂選輯 [Flac+cue][FS/US]



【專輯名稱】Peace, Love & Guitar吉他、和平與愛
【藝人團體】Kenny Vehkavaara
【檔案空間】Fileserve / Filesonic / Bitshare

    正如專輯「吉他、和平與愛」,這些重新演繹的經典民謠將帶您重新體驗60年代和70年代早期那些理想主義的日子,如“The Times They Are a-Changin”,“The Sound of Silence”和“Cat's in the Cradle”等。

“The time,” sang Bob Dylan in1965, ”they are a–changin’.” He could not have been more right. The great days of the so-called folk music revival – stretching from the early ‘ 60s through the ‘70s – were a period of unimaginable social upheaval, when the very fabric of society was held up to the light to be examined, questioned and challenged like never before. It was a time of war and passionate cries to give peace a chance, when the only acceptable conformity was nonconformity, and when the excesses of ‘50s morality and capitalism were traded in for free-flowing hair, free live and freedom of expression.

As befitting a people’s revolution, fold music provided the medium through which the message of the counterculture was disseminated. The acoustic guitar became the essential instrument of accompaiment for a generation of latter-day troubadours. It was relatively cheap and portable, the basics could be mastered in a few hours, and the very nature of its quiet, intimate sound made it the perfect foil for the lone singer hunched over a microphone in a darkened coffeehouse.

The folk music of the sixties and early seventies was in fact directly descended from the depression-era protest songs of Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger, who in turn took their inspiration from worksongs of the field and factory, a music older than time itself. A few simple chords, a basic rhythm strummed or picked out with the fingers, a voice more often remarkable for its burnished passion than its tunefulness, and conscience-stirring lyrics arranged in rhyming couplets: in the hands of singer / songwriters like Dylan, Gordon Lightfoot and Paul Simon, these simple ingredients combined to change the world.

In this collection, Kenny Vehkavaara and Silvio Simone pay loving tribute to some of the greatest melodies of that idealistic generation. Their passionate interpretations ring with the same innocence that first capture our hearts and minds in those heady days of infinite possibilities.

1. Big Yellow Taxi 黄色出租车
2. Cat's in the Cradle 摇篮里的猫儿
3. Fire and Rain烈焰与暴雨
4. Midnight Cowboy午夜牛郎
5. One Tin Soldier一个锡兵
6. If You Could Read My Mind 如果你能读懂我的心
7. The Times They Are A-Changin' 时代在改变
8. American Pie 美国派
9. California Dreamin' 加州之梦
10. For What It's Worth 物有所值
11. Wild World 狂野世界
12. The Sound of Silence寂静之声
13. Time in a Bottle 瓶中时光
14. Leaving on a Jet Plane 乘喷气式飞机离去

※California Dreamin' 加州之梦


※The Sound of Silence寂静之声


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2011-5-28 23:55 conny771005

2011-5-29 23:52 lembu
thank you thank you

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